
Monday, 18 June 2018

More "How to draw" blog posts for the near future!

Hi there to you all, good brothers and sisters,

It's been a while (half a year) since I wrote my last blog post here about how I work and what I think is the fundamental principals if one wants to create representatively- meaning how to draw, paint or otherwise depict things that we are somewhat familiar with. I can't speak about abstract art (although there's a place for it in representational art as well but about that another time! )

Till now this blog has been purely in English but I decided to make it bilingual for sake of my brothers and sisters from Czech Republic. Yes, you guessed it - the second language of this blog is Czech (Since I'm a proud Czech citizen and I'm somewhat proficient at it) If you would be interested to look at the writing in this language (at least for laughs that you're not able to discern a single word), you can check the right side bar at the top for a language switcher. 

This blog is about what I do, how I do it a why I do it and WHY! it could be a good thing for you to do as well (benefits as calming down, letting out all the stress from hard day's work and maybe to have something to hang on the wall in your bedroom)

I also love to talk about life in general - you know - philosophy of art, psychology in turning things around (you know I was a construction engineer that burn out heavily) and so on. 

For those who don't know me yet (majority of you), you can check my official website:


As a freelance illustrator I'm currently working on a comic book in collaboration with comic book freak (in a good sense) from Prague named Jonas Ledecky. If you're not familiar with Jonas you can find him here:

We should release the comic book sometime in the heat of the summer - it is not set in stone yet but I definitely should be done with it around this time. Comic book is based on the famous Czech Writer -  Karel Čapek and his detective short stories from the 30's called "Povídky z jedné a druhé Kapsy" (It is a mouthful isn't it? :-) ) 

Jonas is a comic book freak which I admire a lot in him. You know comic book is a brutal area of creative endeavours. You have to rely heavily on your imagination and that's hard and painful believe me. In future posts I will touch on this topic how I make this things easier (or try to). Since this is a blog about visual creations I attach some panels from the short story that I'm about to deliver:

Night scenes would be on the dark bluish background and all the scenes within daylight would be with an ochre fill. Highlights would be brought out by adding white to simulate the work on toned paper (Although it is a digital colorising). I ink the drawing by hand mostly using black ink and fountain pen. 

So that's all for now. I wanted to check up with you and tell you that we can have an interesting relationship in the future where I can share some useful tips with you about my creative process maybe to give you an idea for your work or maybe to selfishly receive some suggestion from you how to improve my work further. I hope for a mutual artist's relationship and that we will engage together in foreseeing future. 

Best regards, Petr

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